Sunday, 23 March 2014

About me

Before i get into it, here is little introduction about me.

I was born and raised in Wales and went to uni in England.
After leaving uni with a Classics and Classical Archaeology degree, I decided to go into archaeology.

Three years of digging and coping with OTT health and safety regulations,  I was starting to get a little bored and this is when the opportunity arose for me to work for my employer, Oxford Archaeology, in France. A three week trial has transformed into me living in France for around six years.

What i knew about France came from school, i learned French up until year 9, so until about 14. Most of the French i studied was long lost in the past. Other sources f my knowledge included French cinema, notably: Amelie, La Haine, the Crimson Rivers, Taxi and Angel-A
Of course, a few family holidays can be added to this list, mainly consisting of camping in the south of France and trips to northern France, places like Etretet and Paris, with Eurodisney thrown in for good measure.

So, my French was non existent and my destination was a place called Montpellier. I knew they had a football team and, after looking at a map, i discovered it was on the south coast, to the West of Marseille a city i "knew" well from those Taxi films.

The rest of this blog will be about what i have learned about France, the French and what they seem to think about the British and the rest of the world and their views in general

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